Ворошиловы Юра и Ника

Молодая семья :) Учимся в Христианском университете КЕХУ. Занимаемся молодежным служением в г.Краснодаре - Молодежным Христианским Движение ПУЛЬС. МОЛИТЕСЬ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ЗА НАС.

15 марта 2013 г.

An urgent prayer request!!

Our friend is persecuted for her faith by her own family! Her parents have always been against her faith, so she could not openly go to church. She had to run away from home to get baptized secretly a few months ago.

But the other day her family found out that she has Christian friends and that she is studying the Bible. So they burned her Bible, took away her mobile phone and locked her at home so that she wouldn’t communicate with believers anymore!!!

She managed to let us know what happened though… This sounds unbelievable – especially since she is not a child, and since we live in a Christian country and our constitution promises freedom of belief… But it is true. 

Please, please join us in prayer! Pray especially for her heart and for her parents to see God’s love and light through her reaction to the persecution!!

1 комментарий:

  1. News about this situation:

    It's been almost two weeks that this girl was "imprisoned" at home by her own parents. We haven't heard from her until last night. God is good and He answered our prayers!! Her parents gave her back her phone for a little while, so she managed to get in touch with her best friend and to tell her how she is doing. She says that her parents are still mad at her, still think that her believeing friends "brainwashed" her, and still wouldn't let her communicate with friends anymore. BUT in spite of all that she is joyful! She knows God is with her and He will definitely use this situation for His glory! She knows that so many of her brothers and sisters in Christ are supporting her with prayers - and it also brings her joy and peace! It is a true witness of God's mercy!

    However, right after this conversation her parents took away her phone again. They still wouldn't let her out of the house. They deleted her page on vkontate (russian analogue of facebook). She is still "imprisoned" - but she is praising God in her prison just like Paul and Silas did (Acts 16:25)! Please keep praying for her and for her family!! Thank you so much!
