Ворошиловы Юра и Ника

Молодая семья :) Учимся в Христианском университете КЕХУ. Занимаемся молодежным служением в г.Краснодаре - Молодежным Христианским Движение ПУЛЬС. МОЛИТЕСЬ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ЗА НАС.

27 июля 2015 г.

Толу сильно болеет, молитесь за ее выздоровление и помогайте, чем возможно

About a month ago we wrote here about our dearest friend, sister and co-worker Tolu, who was a missionary here for the past 10 years.
Last month it turned out she has a brain tumor that started to cause epileptic seizures. Tolu was immediately evacuated from Russia and taken home to California where she is supposed to have a brain surgery in August.

She was given some medication to prevent the seizures. However, this medication caused a severe allergic reaction in her body, which led to a horrible thing called “toxic epidermis necrolysis” (TEN). That is – she lost all the upper layer of her skin! Right now she is in hospital, in intensive care unit, suffering from severe pain.

Praise God, her condition became a little more stable during the past few days! However, the situation is still very dangerous.

Please, please join us in prayer for our dear sister!




22 июля 2015 г.

Английский лагерь в Новороссийске 2015-07-07_12

(see the beginning in the previous post :))

2. The next day after I returned from Moscow, I left for the English camp by the Black Sea, organized by our team together with our American friends and young people from our church and 2 other churches of Krasnodar. There were about 60 people in our camp, 25 of which were non-believers. The camp lasted for 5 days. It took place at our church’s recreation center, which allowed us not to worry about cooking food, and also provided us with lots of fun activities, such as mini golf, climbing wall, pool and so on, not to mention lots of sports and the sea!

21 июля 2015 г.

Все казалось проще, чем оказалось - как мы делали информационные стенды для Дома Евангелия

В церкви Дом Евангелия плохая информированность, потому что нет указателей и информационных стендов. Из-за этого о многих служениях и возможностях многие люди не знают. Мы с Колей Х решили исправить эту ситуацию и сделать информационные стенды.

Казалось, что мы сможем сделать их за один день. Но это заняло несколько месяцев. Наконец-то мы их повесим в церкви.

п.с. забегая вперед, ибо пишу этот пост из будущего 2017 года, скажу, что мы, возможно, зря так торопились :-), потому что его до сих пор не заполнили. Висит фактически полностью пустой...

7 июля 2015 г.

Летний проект в Москве - Юра участвует, как участник )

The past month was full of events we’d like to tell you about!

1. I took part in the Summer Project organized by New Life in Moscow. It was a new and a very useful experience for me. Over 50 students and volunteers from different cities of Russia together with a group of American students spent almost 2 weeks together, studying the Bible, worshipping the Lord together and meeting students in various universities, parks and malls of Moscow. Our goal was to share the Gospel with the students we meet and to introduce them to the team of staff and volunteers that constantly serve in Moscow, so that they could join the student movement there and get to know the Lord through it. During this time the Summer Project met a few hundred students, over 200 of them heard the Gospel for the first time, and 10 prayed to receive Christ. Please pray that God would keep working in their hearts and would help them get connected with a group of true believers who could help them grow.