Ворошиловы Юра и Ника

Молодая семья :) Учимся в Христианском университете КЕХУ. Занимаемся молодежным служением в г.Краснодаре - Молодежным Христианским Движение ПУЛЬС. МОЛИТЕСЬ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ЗА НАС.

4 февраля 2013 г.

The story that really encouraged me!

Here is a story that really encouraged me - and I (Yura Voroshilov) want to share it with you! 

Yesterday Nika met a girl, Lena, who turned out to have come to an outreach event of PULSE once, 6 years ago. She was a first year student then. Lena was not a believer then, she got scared, and didn't want to come to any other of our meetings. She remembered Nika from that meeting though)) And yesterday Lena told Nika what happened to her after that.

Lena was afraid to come to any meetings of believers - but she had a wish to know God, so she kept seeking, found a Bible and read it daily, she also started to go to the Orthodox church, where she heard the Gospel, but was confused with a lot of complicated rituals she could not understand, and there was no one to talk to. She kept seeking, and then Lena met her old school friend - who turned out to be a Christian too, and who invited Lena to her church.

Right now Lena is a believer and helps in an outreach program for teenagers in her church! 

It is a huge encouragement for us, because it shows us that the Lord Himself works with each person individually, no matter whather they stay with us and become believers through our ministry or come to just one meeting, or have just one spiritual conversation and leave! In Lena's life, God used our movement as just one small steps on her way to Him. 
"I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth.  So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth" (1Co.3:6,7)   

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